What This Is

Hi all, we are the Mad Movement Group, this is our presentation on power analysis within the mental health realm. Everyone will have access to this blog in order to review the information we have gathered. Feel free to post your own comments and opinions under a section you desire. The goal of this blog is to get your thoughts rolling around on power analysis in madness. Enjoy!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Shock Therapy Controversy

Controversial article on the issue of "Mad Pride" in Toronto

Mad Pride Movement Meets in Toronto 
by John M Grohol
CEO and founder of Psych Central. He has been writing about online behavior, mental health and psychology issues, and the intersection of technology and psychology since 1992.

Take a look at this article and tell us what you think!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Food For Thought

This is a very controversial comic, especially today, what are your thoughts about the picture above? concerns?

Friday, November 5, 2010

RWM trailer 2010

Rendevous With Madness

There is a film festival going on right now pertaining to our topic of the Mad Movement. Starting today (November 5th) all the way to the 13th. Advocates and patients alike have prepared pieces and they are being screened at various locations

For more information and to purchase tickets, visit http://www.rendezvouswithmadness.com/